Sample Work

The images below are from the first day of my field experience in ECS300. My partner and I had to plan an introduction assignment, to help break the ice and introduce ourselves to the students. Below is a picture of the classroom.


We introduced “Shrinky Dink” paper. The post about how the lesson went can be found here. The students really enjoyed the assignment, and I made an example of my own to show the students how they could make their magnets.


In the image below, all of the students’ work is up for display on the whiteboard. We attached them to magnets so the students could keep them and take them home. Maybe one of the students put it on his or her fridge!

shrinky dinks no names


Looking back on it now, their caricatures really describe their personalities. On the day of the assignment I didn’t know my students as well as I do now, and looking at their work again, I can tell who made which magnet, despite the names being erased from the image. Goes to show how even a little bit of time spent getting to know your students can pay off!


I also want to include some pictures of a colour wheel assignment that I had my students complete after this lessonHere is my blog post on how the lesson went.


IMG_2452 IMG_2453 IMG_2454


I chose to upload these examples from three of my students because these are some of the students that said they were awful at colouring. But, as we can see in the pictures, they are not. I was glad to be able to teach them how to fill in a colour wheel and prove themselves wrong in the best way possible. These are examples of successes I had while working in the field.

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